Package com.yabu.livechart.view


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A Live Chart displays a 2 Dimensional Dataset.The chart can have a baseline onto which the end point data set is compared to determine whether it has positive or negative change, and highlights the data set accordingly with color.The end data point can be tagged with a label and draw a line across the chart, with highlighted color according to the baseline.The FrameLayout contains two modular components: a LiveChartView and a LiveChartTouchOverlay working together to handle drawing and offer touch events on the chart.
class LiveChart(context: Context,attrs: AttributeSet?) : FrameLayout
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Class containing style properties to format a LiveChart.
class LiveChartStyle
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Touch overlay for the LiveChartView. Perform touch event draws in this class instead of the LiveChart to avoid unnecessary expensive onDraw calls. For example, the horizontal drag DataPoint slider.
class LiveChartTouchOverlay(context: Context,attrs: AttributeSet?) : FrameLayout
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Base View subclass handling the drawing of dataset paths and chart bounds.
open class LiveChartView(context: Context,attrs: AttributeSet?) : View